Candy Tree

'Candy Tree', or 'Beyond the obvious' was painted in Hortensia Art Gallery, and finished just minutes before the exhibition! £1800 is the exhibition rate for this delightfully colourful piece, but the artist would miss it tremendously and insists it goes only to the best home or discerning collector possible..
Spotted this huge ancient crazy old tree in the park by Embankment Tube on the way to the Cornish Exhibition, and I know it influenced me. It's so magical and belongs in a gothic film...
A close up of another view of 'Candy Tree'. As you can see it's partly modelled and the rest is painted like a canvas.
Here is the original unfired 'Candy Tree', with it's sister sculpture
Yes... yet another close-up. This reminds me of Katy Perry's 'California Gurls'. It looks so edible.

The Spiritual Realm

Huma Sibtain, also exhibiting, said of this piece:

I Liked the texture, the way it looks rusty, like it's been found at the bottom of the ocean..