'Egyptian Cat Totem Pole' ....
For the cat that has everything...Can be placed over a cat scratching post as a celebration of the Domestic Cat, from the time they were worshipped in Ancient Egypt (before 600 BC) to the special place they have in our hearts today!
Stunning Cat Totempole coming soon. Turned down offer to purchase original at 2013 Sculpture Show .. can't bare to say goodbye just yet! .....but bronze resin casts will be ready for the next Sculpture Show at Hortensia Gallery, Chelsea, 23rd May 2013.... Meow...
'Ocean Folk' - Painted to work upside down too!
'Ocean Folk' . Upside down version..
'Mummified Cat Totem' ... Inspired by the Ancient Egyptians who revered domestic cats, even mummifying them after death! Quite a few remain in the British Museum, which is where the inspiration for this piece partly came from. Linda Whichelow 20.3.2014 See the sculpture from other angles in the 'Cats' and 'Work in progress' section of the site :-)
'Don't bury your head in the sand' - Relief sculpture. ..There is a person hidden underneath this one, which is part of an out door art series..
'Stunning Cat Totem Pole' - Profile and almost completed.
Another v iew of the relief sculpture 'Don't bury your head in the sand', showing the person hiding underneath..
Angel with steps
It's not that black and white
Living Jacuzzi....This piece is at my own house in the garden. When the rain falls, the birds drink the water from the jacuzzi part and I imagine it's me lounging there, like I do at Highgate Pond in the summer, swimming with the ducks... A lot of my art has conflicting sections and here the serious thoughts are carried on by the top section, while the little chap appears to relax.. I used to travel to the States every 12 weeks and remember staying at the Spring Hill Suites, St Louis, Missourri and loved a particular Spar room. Late at night I'd lounge in the hot tub in my room and I might have fallen asleep once...A lot of my art is improvised, but meanings flood in later. LW
The Egotist... Started making an elephant, and the trunk extended to make another being, so it's actually hugging its self. It's a complex piece which would look at home in Pitt Rivers, Oxford, where some of the stragest items in the world reside.
'Entering the Egotist', showing the back of the 'The Egotist' Sculpture
Beyond the obvious
Come into my life
Monkey Cat
Wicked World
Cat Totem Pole (completed but unfired)
Dying to self
Spiritual Realm
Negative of 'Spiritual Realm', showing a far darker side to the crusifixion.